Thursday, October 13, 2005


Hey SDG folks. Are we meeting again any time soon? Sunday?
I need to hear your ideas, voices, thoughts, and comments about the food in the oven again soon!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryan said... Can I come to one of these meetings when you have it? I may seem vocal over the internet. Depending on the topic I might not even say a word. What I do is after something happens I replay it in my mind and then things become more clear. Then I speak my mind. This usually happens after an event and not during. Just in case you were worried I would take up all the time.

10/14/2005 10:03 AM  
Blogger paul said...

Let's meet this Sunday. How about the 12 noon time that we were going to try last time?

10/15/2005 12:07 AM  
Blogger Amberlynn said...

Sounds good.

10/15/2005 6:47 PM  

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