Monday, November 21, 2005


You have disappeared from my knowing you - which was only through your replies here.
My post inviting participants yielded replies that were related to a different post (understandably, otherwise, it would have involved A LOT of scrolling).

It has been difficult for me to find the time to post on here - but as it is currently the only format in which the Spiritual Discussion Group happens, I decided it's time to invite everyone I - or you - know who may have interest in participation. Although I can't post much these days, reading your thoughts does help me.

So Ryan, where are you? I don't know your email address, and need it if I am to invite you to join as an author. Of course, ANYONE can still comment at any time - but as an author you can post about an entirely personal subject - or anything that has not yet been brought up.

Please, everyone, help spread the word to keep the discussions alive and well.



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